The Witch’s Broom Nebula, NGC 6960.

After shooting the East Veil Nebula a month or two ago, I wanted to come back to more of the Veil Nebula complex in Cygnus and shoot other parts of it. I love the colors and the wispiness of this nebula, and my narrow-band filter does a fabulous job on it, IMHO. By the time I got back to this target, it was high enough in the sky at dusk that I could only shoot it for about four hours a night. I managed to capture a total of seven hours on this target over the course of two nights. This is once again a narrow-band image using the Optolong L-Extreme dual-band filter, shooting with a ZWO ASI533MC Pro cooled color camera through a Sky-Watcher Esprit 100 f/5.5 apo refractor on an iOptron GEM45 mount. Processed using PixInsight, Affinity Photo, and Denoise AI.

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